1-to-1 Coaching
Single Hour ($400)
Learn how betsizing really works
Sets the foundation for future sessions​​
Any topic of your choice
6h Package ($2200)
Everything in Single Hour
Learn how to study with solvers independently and effectively
Learn how to predict the value threshold, and how it affects betsizing
Learn important concepts that apply in every spot
10h Package ($3600)
Everything in 6h Package
BB defense: ​Check-calling threshold and how it affects check-raising strategy
OOP 3-bet: Develop a solid gameplan across multiple streets
Exploits and multiway pots
Packages come with long term support in the form of a study group. You can also contact me for a more detailed version of the lesson plan.
Who is this coaching aimed at?
Anyone who wants to improve their theoretical knowledge. I have worked with players from 1/2 live to 1knl online, and feedback has been excellent across the board. Check out my testimonials here.
What makes you different from other coaches?
To my knowledge, most coaches go over various common situations (BTN open BB call, SB 3b vs BTN call etc), and talk you through these spots individually. Instead of doing that, I focus on the underlying concepts that tie them together. For example, on AK high boards as the IP 3bettor, we cbet hands like Kx and QQ, despite them not needing much protection. Whereas for BTN open vs BB call, we prefer to play these hands as a check. The underlying concept that ties these two spots together is that marginal hands are more inclined to bet when we have a big range advantage, and identifying this will strengthen your understanding of the game as a whole.
Basically, I have managed to distill thousands of hours of solver work into a handful of key concepts, and understanding these concepts will improve your play in any spot--even the ones we don't cover.
What else do you offer?
Over the course of our sessions, you will also learn how to study with solvers more efficiently. There is a massive amount of useless information in every solve--I’ll show you how to filter out the noise, and focus on what’s important. I’ll also show you how to put theory into practice with GTO trainers, and give you a roadmap to keep improving on your own.
Isn’t $400/h a little expensive?
Frankly, $400/h is a steal. There are coaches who charge similar rates for hand reviews--IMO focusing on concepts is a much more efficient way of learning, because it automatically addresses many of the hands you are not sure about.
On top of that, you’ll also be working with a well-established coach with a ton of positive reviews. Bear in mind my content has improved a lot over the years, and I have not increased my rates by that much.
If you want a better idea of what to expect, you can check out my videos on RIO. I have 10 videos from my time as an Essential coach, and have also requested that my latest video be viewable for Essential members. Whether or not you are planning to sign up, I recommend watching these videos as an extremely cost-efficient way of building good fundamentals.
You can also check out my Youtube channel, although the content there is a bit more basic.
Why Hire Me?
Deep theoretical knowledge
As someone who has mucked around with solvers for years, I have a deep theoretical understanding of the game. When I was playing full-time, my obsessive need to understand the “why” often led to too much studying and not enough grinding. But as a coach, it has proved invaluable. As the saying goes, you can’t explain something without first understanding it.
Good at explaining concepts
However, just because you understand something doesn’t mean you can explain it well. This is why not all good players are good coaches--getting concepts across is a different skill altogether. Having worked with more than a hundred students over the last few years, I am continuously honing this skill. I take pride in explaining tricky concepts in a way that is easy to understand, often using fun analogies to illustrate my point. My aim is not just to impart knowledge to you, but to do so in the fastest and most efficient way.
Content is structured...
I have a clear idea of what I want to accomplish every session, long before the session starts. This way, I don’t waste your time thinking about what to say next. You can even look at the worksheets for each session beforehand, if you want to be better prepared.
But at the same time personalised
The main advantage of private coaching over a video course is how it’s more interactive and personal. I fully take advantage of this by firing the occasional tricky question at you, just to make sure you understand what’s going on. As a coach, it is also my job to figure out your learning style. Not an analogy guy? No worries! I’ll just use actual hand examples instead.
Practical application
I also talk about the practical aspect of poker, including how to use tools like GTO trainers to improve on execution. After all, there is no point in learning a bunch of theory if you can’t apply it!
Long-term support
Finally, I care about your success, because the best measure of a coach is how well his students do. This is why all coaching packages come with long-term support in the form of a Discord study group.
Not convinced? Check out testimonials here!
Arrange a Session
To get started, just complete the form below. Or feel free to leave a message if you have any questions.